Saturday, October 27, 2012


Welcome to KRATU Wellness!

Are you looking to look and feel better, and think more clearly? Do you want a better handle on your diet, or other aspects of your daily life?  Find out how Vedic practices, developed in Asia thousands of years ago, can be applied to our modern lives and crafted for our individual needs and lifestyles...

You may have heard of the healing and stress-reducing benefits of yoga and ayurveda, or holistic nutrition; western science is indeed discovering that exercises such as yoga asana (postures), focused breathing, and conscious eating have a positive impact on people's bodies, minds, and emotional balance. But did you know that you can receive personalized guidance to help you figure out what exercise style and foods are right for you? With an Ayurvedic/holistic nutrition consultant you'll determine your unique constitution and create a diet-lifestyle plan, tailored to your tastes and preferences. You can also host a workshop for your friends, family, co-workers or others (great for yoga studio and wellness center staff!) about a specific topic, or about holistic nutrition in general. Katherine (Katie) Rosenthal, along with a network of practitioners, are available to work with you one-on-one or in a group. Email Katie - kratuhealth [@] gmail [.] com - to set up an appointment or ask any questions. I look forward to hearing from you!

KRATU: plan; volition; strength; wisdom

Like many Sanskrit words, the term kratu has many interpretations. In Hinduism, Kratu is said to be the name of one of the seven divine rishis, or sages - powerful deities charged with the responsibility of bringing the proper Intelligence and Energies down to the earth so as to strengthen the processes of Transition. From that story we get the concept of "kratu" as a "divine plan," as well as the knowledge and will-power needed to evolve into our best selves and live our fullest life.

Dr. David Frawley defines kratu as intelligence in action
(Ayurvedic Healing, p61), or consciously working toward the goal of a harmonious life. He states that by first having "the right will and the true resolve," we can take control of our daily actions so as to become the person we are meant to be.


wellness: "the quality or state of being in good health* especially as an actively sought goal" (Merriam-Webster)

A state of being in which all our systems are well-balanced and well-nourished; a state of wholeness in which our minds, bodies and spirits are in sync on an individual level (the microcosm), and also in sync with the external universe (the macrocosm). In Ayurveda, wellness is understood as the ability to properly digest, absorb, and transform what we take into ourselves on all levels of existence, including, for example, our digestive system as well as our mental and emotional processes and our spiritual or energetic selves.

      *health: "the level of functional or metabolic efficiency of a living being. In humans, it is the general condition of a person's mind, body and spirit, usually meaning to be free from illness, injury or pain" (Merriam-Webster)

That said, begin your journey toward better health today. Contact Kratu Wellness to find out more!

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