Saturday, December 21, 2013

New project: Intuitive Living!

Hey y'all!

Thanks so much for reading the KRATU Wellness blog. I just wanted to let you all know that I'm now collaborating on a new project - the "Intuitive Living" blog - with my friend Daniell Cohen, a fellow yogi and a fantastic photographer. We started it with the intention of inviting our readers to join us in the discovery of how to live intuitively, even in a chaotic city like ours. Daniell and I hope it will help others navigate modern life while staying tuned in to their own personal Truth, and to find ways to maintain Balance & Harmony even on the most hectic of days. :)

Check it out here:

Let me know what you think - I'd love to hear from you!

Much love,

Katie :)

P.S. Happy Holidays!!! Warm wishes for a season filled with light, comfort, and joy...