In this website and blog, as well as in my classes, workshops, and consultations, I explore topics ranging from ayurvedic nutrition to the eight-limbed path of yoga, and explain them in an approachable way so that readers can easily incorporate these principles of health and balance into their daily life.
The Ayurvedic system provides a grasp-able approach to understanding our selves so as to maximize our potential for wellness, and it is through this lens that I guide clients and students to self-awareness, and help create a practical and individualized plan for diet, exercise and lifestyle. A holistic Life-Diet guide includes yoga asana or postures/sequences, meditation and breathing practices, as well as daily routines to maintain good health. Contact me to schedule an appointment or ask any questions. I'd love to hear from you!
Definitions --
Ayurveda: [ayur = longevity, life /+/ veda = science, knowledge] "the science of longevity"
Ayurveda, also known as the "science of life", was developed by the same sages who gave us yoga as a way to systematically understand, nourish and maintain the physical body, thereby supporting a body's ability to carry the mind and spirit on its path toward wholeness and enlightenment. My main interest in, and exploration of Ayurveda is its "whole-person" approach to balanced living according to one's dosha, or constitution.
Yoga: yoke, union
The word Yoga has come to be associated with the popular form of exercise, but in fact the asana practice learned in these classes is just one aspect of the yogic journey, which ultimately leads us to samadhi, or the "superconscious state" of awareness known as enlightenment. The "yoke" or "union" implies that we are each striving to be in union with the Universe, to be yoked to the Divine Consciousness - to join our individual selves with the greater Self (some call it God or our god-self; I think of it as that underlying energy which is contained in every thing and connects all things together, as in a giant web).
So, if YOU are ready to take control of your own health and well-being, go ahead and contact me! We can set up an initial consultation to determine your constitution and identify where your imbalances lie. From there we can develop a holistic lifestyle plan that supports your healthful development.
Get in touch to begin your journey to wellness!
Love & Balance,
Katie Rosenthal